Professionals at play
Science tells us that too narrow a focus on the goal and its rewards severely reduces creativity, so we make sure to have lots of play time and a big sandbox.
Intrinsic motivation and play inevitably unlocks possibilities, which we can irreligiously and objectively pick from to move forward. As things start manifesting as hard deliverables, there is bound to be a stream of user data to guide us forward.
While data does wonders to guide us forward, it can also confine us within the space of the known. To come up with something truly inspired, data is rarely the sole answer. We therefore need something unexpected, something creative … we need playtime.
As play and progress are intertwined, so are personal development and the success of the company. We endeavor to make any year at Combination more valuable to the individual than a year anywhere else, so that people stay long and feed all that value back, creating a positive spiral that benefits everyone.
Things are quite simple when you do what you love and you love what you do, when you share a common pleasure. And, of course, “the noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding”.